Une réalisation Pou-Zam (Richard Poulin et Michel Akzam)

The Meadows Cup 2025

Season’s Champs and individual Awards


The Meadows tournament is an  opportunity to join your tennis friends and colleagues in friendly team spirited match-ups and duals for the bragging rights of being the season’s MEADOWS CUP champions!

All resident tennis players are eligible to participate in the tournament. Captains will be designated and  be picking players in turns in a draft format.


The tournament's format

Each team is made up of 6 players (Including Captains) which are ranked and rated as per their playing abilities. Each coach will pick one player per round. After each round the total team rating is added and another round starts with the team captain with lowest ranked picking first in that round. This is repeated until each team has a total of 6 players. The captains then identifies the 3 groups within their team (Group A, B and C), which usually represents the players with the most abilities in group A, intermediary Group B and beginners in group C.

In order to ensure balanced matches throughout the competition, games are disputed within each group. i.e.: Group A plays against group A, group B against B and so forth.

The tournament starts with a round-robin where captains schedules all of their matches with other captains, until all groups from all teams have played each other. All Games are best out of three, where each set won is worth one point.

At the end of the round robin games, all accumulated points are calculated and the teams are ranked. For the championship playoff round, the 2nd/3rd team and the 1st/4th place team will play against each other. The team that scores the highest number of points in total eliminates the other team and advances to the final. The final is played with the same format as the Round-Robin. As such, pairs from each division will compete and rack up points for the championship. The team with the most points in the final will be crowned champion.


Les Blancs 


Capitaine: Annie Zakaib

Claude gagnon

Denis Légaré

Normand Bouillon

Serge Gamelin

Lucie Dubreuil

Les Bleus


Capitaine: Paul Isabelle

Richard Poulin

Richard Cantin

Claude Chayer

Gilles Martineau

Hélène Chateauneuf

Les Rouges


Capitaine: André Pelletier

Eusebe Gemme

Stéphane Rheault

France Boucher

André Dubuc

Jacques Couture

Les Gris


Capitaine: Michel Akzam

Jean Plamondon

Marc Lebeau

Denis Bolduc

Stéphane Vaillancourt

Kathleen McLaughlin

Schedule of play

Meadows Cup round-robin scores

The Meadows Cup - Elimination round

The Meadows Cup - Finals

The Meadow's Cup 2024 Champions - TBD
