Une réalisation Pou-Zam (Richard Poulin et Michel Akzam)

History of the Alouette club (Meadows) Inc.


It was a Tuesday, January 31, 1978. At 4 pm that afternoon, twenty-one Quebecers residing at the Meadows met to form an association … with the aim of ensuring the well-being of compatriots who are experiencing difficulties understanding a foreign language and facilitate the use of their time.

In order to breathe new life into it, the leaders proceeded in 1995 to an overhaul of the regulations.

In order to better protect the officers, the Club was incorporated into a non-profit organization.

And the wheel, so well engaged, continued to turn… and as of February 15, 2008, the Club peaked in membership with 426 members.

Those who, over the years, have put their skills at the service of the community have tried to do so with respect for tradition and with a realistic and dynamic vision of the future.

On the fifteenth anniversary, Mrs. Madeleine R. Mayeu published a text in which it was written “We are harvesting TODAY the seeds that YESTERDAY has sown for TOMORROW”

This excerpt remains perfectly of topic today.